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Kirjoittaja Viesti
 Viestin otsikko: K2:n vastaanotin saa kehuja
ViestiLähetetty: To Touko 10, 2007 7:40 am 

Liittynyt: Ti Tammi 24, 2006 8:25 am
Viestit: 111
Paikkakunta: Hämeenlinna
Elecraftin postituslistalla on mielenkiintoinen juttu BS7H:n pile-uppi ongelmasta ja N8S:n kokemuksista.

Vol 37 Issue 20 Message 17.

73 de Jussi OH3RF

K2 #4085

 Viestin otsikko:
ViestiLähetetty: Pe Touko 18, 2007 4:13 pm 

Liittynyt: La Huhti 02, 2005 11:45 pm
Viestit: 97
Paikkakunta: Seinäjoki
Message: 17
Date: Wed, 9 May 2007 16:37:03 +0300
From: "Val" <val>
Subject: [Elecraft] Roofing filters - on the other end
To: <Elecraft>
Message-ID: <010b01c7923f>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="koi8-r"

While the discussion on the roofing filters was flowing here, there was a
huge talk over BS7H expedition on the cluster and DX reflectors, and a lot
of dissatisfaction and criticism. The operators were blamed for the slow
traffic and the RX bandwidth, sometimes taking a good part of the band. The
skill of the members was put in a doubt until UR0MC, a member of N8S
expedition explained:
"My opinion is that a wide split is not through operators fault. I don't
know what kind of transceivers they used on BS7H, most probably the same as
we used on N8S - PROIII. Please imagine how in the 15 KHz first filter input
clutters up thousands stations with level 599+20db. All that nuisance going
to DSP. Finally you can hear in the phones some modulated 'hunk'. And you
can get some signal only at the end of this 'hunk'. After 2-3 QSO on this
frequency grows a new 'hunk' and so on, and so on....
With K2 with 200 Hz filter pileups were processed much easier. The stations
stood as pins, you have only to turn the knob and pick them up.
The conclusion is: The expedition equipments sponsors must be changed :-) "

Translated by
K2 2745, K3 ?

Tuossa vielä tuo viesti mitä tarkoitit.
Edelleen K2 on paras cw rigi mitä olen kuunnellut.
Vielä en ole hyvää cw radiota kuullut, jossa on DSP:llä tehty filtteröinti.
(ic-7400 ja ic-756p3 koekuunneltu) jesun ft-2000 on vielä testaamatta.

Elecraft K2 #5272

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